Update: Buddy Is Doing Well!

Budd’s feeling much better and he’s back to his usual Buddinese antics!

Name: Buddy the Cat
Date: Oct. 13, 2023
Status: Very handsome

I just wanted to post what I hope will be the last update regarding Buddy’s recent illness and let everyone know that he’s doing very well, hasn’t had an incident since he got sick again on Sunday, and is back to his old antics.

I couldn’t be more thrilled. The little guy is energetic, talking all the time again and even pestering me for treats, which means his appetite has recovered as well, thanks in no small part to the prayers and support from all of you.

Dr. Buddy
“It is my professional opinion, as an expert in meowdicine, that I should be put on a regimen of regular snacks to, uh, recover my snackolyte levels and help balance my catesterol. This script says you should feed me moist treats in the afternoon, a post-dinner treat of crunchies, and a late night snack of my choosing. It’s very important that you don’t skip a dose!”

It’s still not clear exactly what happened, and hopefully I get a clearer picture of Bud’s overall health via a regular veterinary appointment.

In the meantime I’m glad to have my best friend back, and I’m especially thankful the ordeal is over for both of us. It was very frustrating to see him so clearly suffering and having no way to help him except trying to comfort him and giving him catnip, which worked surprisingly well to soothe his stomach. (If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, which I hope you do not, and your cat doesn’t typically eat catnip, try putting some in a pill pocket or finding another way to get kitty to eat it. All the online literature says it works best if ingested.)

Now if you’ll excuse me, Bud wants to nap and he’s demanding a lap to sleep on…

“Time to be my sleeping substrate, human. If you need to use the bathroom, go now, for I plan to sleep at least four hours.”

37 thoughts on “Update: Buddy Is Doing Well!”

  1. Oh my!!!! I am soooo glad Bud is better. I was getting really worried, since you hadn’t posted in a few days. Maybe something he ate—or the kitty flu? But sounds like he is on the mend. Prayers do help🙏🙏🙏 BOTH of you take care❤️❤️❤️😻😻😻

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank goodness Little Buddy has recovered and can now resume his luxurious life with Big Buddy faithfully serving him whatever he may require. Way to go, wonderful little Buddy ❣❤
    And I’m so glad you directed Big Buddy to share the good news. I was worried about you!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Oh man, this is BRILLIANT news, prayers are answered and the hero of the feline world is back to his handsome powerful self. Bella looks forward to the next joint covert mission with her “special relationship” We are totally overjoyed. Thank the great cat God Bastet – much love from over the pond

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Three cheers for the Buddies! So good to know the little guy’s doing well, and the big guy’s stress levels are lowering. Having a sick pet is hard, and so I wish both Buddies the best of health! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I thought I left a reply but word press isn’t always my friend. I only wished to say I’m am so happy that Buddy is doing so well & the scary times are behind you in the distance. It seems like you’ve turned the page & Buddy is the boss once again. That’s the greatest gift ever. I agree with Gilda, if you’re up to the challenge of giving Buddy probiotics. I don’t know how they impact cats. I usually don’t use these things, but since I have, I actually feel better, so I can see the benefit of using them for the furry people.

    Anyway, I’m just really happy & I know this is late but may your times of Buddy’s magic be long & filled with the best of health. I’m so happy for you that it’s back & I’m here for it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m thrilled that he’s been okay and he’s back to his normal self. The fact that he’s back to screeching at me for snacks is a good sign even though he has to lose weight and I’ve scaled back on his snacks since spring.

      We had a little incident last night. Bud was laying on my chest as I was watching the new Mike Flanagan horror miniseries, The Fall of House Usher, on Netflix. (It’s a modern version of some of Edgar Allen Poe’s work.)

      There was a jump scare, which caused me to shift, which resulted in the remote falling onto the floor. Bud got scared and bolted, slicing the shit out of my left arm as he pushed off with his back feet. I reacted with an “Oh shit!” and realized he was upset, so I had to reassure him that I knew it wasn’t his fault, rubbing his head and calling him a good boy as my arm was bleeding lol. Thank God for antibacterial ointment. My arm looks like I fought off a knife-wielding attacker.

      Please give handsome Mr. Oreo a head scratch or two on behalf of the Buddies. I will definitely check out the probiotics.


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