Happy Mother’s Day To All Moms Human And Feline!

Moms are the best.

Moms are the best. They tell us we’re good at things even when we’re not, they put up with all our nonsense, and they never stop worrying about us even when we’re adults.

They make us feel better when we’re down and they don’t hesitate to tell us when we’re being stupid. They make the special meals that we love, and use love as a special ingredient. I can still taste the bologna sandwiches my mom used to make for me in my school lunches. Somehow they were always more delicious than any sandwich I could make. Now that I’m an adult and have been a vegetarian for years, she makes pastitsio for me on special occasions. Thanks, mom!

Animal moms love their kiddos too, as we can see in these photos. Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!

21 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day To All Moms Human And Feline!”

    1. I love seeing photos of animal moms taking care of their babies, and the relatively rare images of animal dads helping out. Cats, macaques, orangutans, bears, orcas.

      I think we’re often too quick to take kittens from their moms and one day I would like to adopt a mom and her litter to keep them all together.


      1. I read that kittens shouldn’t be taken from their mothers until they are 12 weeks old, unlike puppies, which can be weaned at 6 weeks old.

        When my cats have had kittens, I keep them together for at least 12 weeks.

        However, I don’t really want my pets to have offspring at all, and I support spaying and neutering above all.

        But at one time I was trapping feral cats and occasionally I would get a pregnant mother or a mother who had recently had kittens. So then I would keep them together until I found a no-kill shelter to re-home them.

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      2. Indeed, it’s a crucial developmental time, and I’ve read quite a bit about how cats who are taken away from their moms and littermates too young can have developmental and behavioral problems.

        I think that’s why Bud has his behavioral issues, which still pop up from time to time despite all the work we’ve put into it.

        You’re right about spaying/neutering of course. I would never intentionally breed a cat, but if a shelter had a mom and a kitten or two, I would consider adopting them all.

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    1. You can make it with plant-based “ground beef,” which is what my mom does for me because she’s awesome. She made it for my birthday this year.

      There’s a similar dish, moussaka, which has potatoes instead of pasta, but otherwise it’s the same sauce, ingredients and prep.

      I’m a big fan of Greek food, and not just because I have Greek heritage. Most of it is healthy and if you like Mediterranean/Middle Eastern cuisine, it’s very similar to that.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I had to look it up too. I never knew there was a Greek lasagna. It looks great and so much easier to put together than its Italian cousin. I’m definitely going to try it.

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      1. Apparently the Béchamel sauce is the trickiest part as it’s supposed to come out fluffy and retain its shape. You should be able to find a good example at any Greek-owned diner or restaurant.

        Good luck and let me know how it goes!


      2. One more thing: Moussaka is very similar except it has eggplant and potatoes instead of pasta. I highly recommend that as well. Same sauce, same general idea, but it hits the spot differently.


      3. Carmen, I just realized a bunch of comments from you, Sissy Beans and a few others got caught in my spam filters. I’m really sorry about that and want you to know I did not withhold your comments.

        I wouldn’t have even realized if I didn’t randomly check the spam filters just now. I’m going to try to figure out why, but in the meantime please let em know if any of your comments don’t get through. Thanks.


  1. Beautifully put! – Bella has had kittens before her rescue (from a hoarding situation) they were all rehomed by the rescue group of which I am a trustee so she gets a treat (or two!!) on mothers day

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely photos for Mother’s Day. At the risk of offending lots of cat-lovers out there, there’s no other feline quite so beautiful as a tabby

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree! Of course I’m biased because of the Budster, but I wanted a tabby even before I adopted him. I love the “tiger stripes.”

      I also really like Calicos and voids. I’ll never forget a beautiful and friendly Calico who came by when I was sitting outside with friends at a restaurant in the Outer Banks. She was so friendly and cute, I would have adopted her right then and there if I could.


  3. I don’t know if my comments aren’t going through, what I’m having trouble with is the fact that on some of the replies there’s no reply button. All you see is a like button. So, for example:

    I write a comment here and it has a like button and a reply button under my comment.

    Someone comes along and they respond to my comment (which is really cool BTW)

    Then someone else comes along and wants to respond to the above comment, but they can’t because there’s only a like button and no reply button. And the person is like, Ok. I want to respond and ask questions, etc. but I can’t (serious bummer!). Well, I guess the only way I can add my comment is to make a whole new comment. But that sucks. The people I wanted to read it might not get to read it because it’s getting lost in the mix of other new comments. It’s frustrating and I don’t understand the reasoning behind the rationing of reply buttons. It’s bizarre.

    I can’t even reply to the comment you made telling me and others that our comments are escaping to the spam files!

    Does that make any sense? 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it makes sense. That’s an issue with the WordPress CMS. I will look into seeing if I can change that.

      I just happened to look at the spam folder the other day when I saw comments from you and Sissy had somehow ended up there, even though your other comments went through just fine. There was one comment you made in which you talked about the pastitsio recipe in detail, from what I can recall. I marked it as “Not Spam” and approved it, and then suddenly it was gone.

      Looks like I’m gonna have to contact WordPress tech support again.


      1. I guess WordPress really didn’t like me talking about pastitsio. Alas, it’s the story of my life really, straight to the Spam file for me! 🤣

        The only other thing that bugs me about WordPress is I the fact that I have to sign in every time I come here. I don’t know if that’s just me or if it happens to everyone. It doesn’t matter if I just wrote a comment like 1 minute prior and want to write something else that I forgot to write the first time. Nope. I’ve got to sign in again, hit the “save my name and email for next time”, but it never does. And, it’s not just one sign in, it’s 2. Maybe it’s because of the privacy settings I have. Or it may just be this websites quirky feature that no one wants. Who knows? All I know is it won’t stop me from coming here, liking your stuff and commenting. 😁

        Thanks for letting me share in yours and Buddy’s lives! Tell Buddy I’d send turkey to show my appreciation if I could!

        Liked by 1 person

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