Cat Sees Himself In Two Mirrors, Has Existential Crisis

“I saw his reflection in the magnifying mirror and I started laughing hysterically,” Roscoe’s owner said.

Meet Roscoe.

The year-old tabby and his human are enjoying viral fame after the latter snapped this shot of Roscoe catching his reflection in two mirrors at the same time, prompting a hilarious look of shock:

Roscoe catches his reflection in two mirrors. Credit: Katie B.

Roscoe’s human, Katie B, explained how she got the shot.

“I was just going about my business when I looked down and saw his reflection in the magnifying mirror and I started laughing hysterically,” said the 24-year-old PhD student, who lives in Chicago. “It was hilarious, and thankfully I was holding my phone. So I quickly took a picture and sent it to my friends on Snapchat.”

Roscoe’s bewildered look has reignited the debate about feline self-awareness, a topic that still hasn’t been settled by science. It’s a subject we’ve explored here on Pain In The Bud, detailing Buddy’s “long and tumultuous history with mirrors” and his reactions to seeing himself — and me — reflected back at him.

Katie calls Roscoe “a funny little dude” and her “furry best friend.” She’s started an Instagram account for Roscoe where she documents the little guy’s antics for his followers.

“It’s been really fun seeing how much people love it and all the memes and drawings people have done of Roscoe,” Katie told Buzzfeed. “He has brought so much joy into my life, and I’m glad he’s bringing joy to others too!”

Roscoe and his human servant, Katie B. Credit: Katie B
Photos of Roscoe capture the little guy’s amusing personality. Credit: Katie B


4 thoughts on “Cat Sees Himself In Two Mirrors, Has Existential Crisis”

    1. They don’t look at all? My cat would furiously attack the mirror when he was a kitten, then he went through a period where he would just stare at himself. He definitely understands he’s seeing a reflection, because he’s met my eyes in the mirror when I’m shaving and reacted to mirror-me.

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